Site Admin
20 Mar 2008
hi hasan, so normally not.

but what is normal in this world.... i would recommend to send me a mail with your order number so i set you up in the priority support if you bought the device over us. There is a solution for this problem that occasionally (ab. 2% overall) can occure with the IDROMED 4 PC if you treat (only) the feet.

If you have no success at the hands or armpits, then sign in the priority support forum.

General: You have more success (or the chance of a real good success)with the Pulsed Current version, cause you are able to choose higher therapy currents.
Mostly if you got no success with the Pulsed version you will not have a success with the Direct current version. Why this (learn more in the priority support center).
If you bought the device over us we can f.e. change it out to a Direct Current device if we made sure, that the Pulsed version is not the right device for you.
Vie Abr 18, 2008 8:13 am

Ultima edición por support el Mie Abr 23, 2008 12:16 pm; editado 3 veces
Site Admin
20 Mar 2008
hi hasan, i ve set you up in the priority support....
Dom Abr 20, 2008 11:10 pm